- Was I really speeding, officer? 警官,我真的超速了吗?
- Was I really speeding officer? 警官我真的超速行驶了吗?
- Am I really fitted for the role of director? 我真能胜任董事一职吗?
- Am I really fitted for the role ofdirector? 我真能胜任董事一职吗?
- Am I dreaming now?Am I recollecting now?Am I really alive now? 我现在作梦吗? 我现在回忆吗? 我现在真正地活吗?
- Am I really a problematic person? Always feeling unsatisfied? 我开始唔识点同人相处,同人相处是为了什麽?
- Most of what I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in kindergarten. 大多数我生命中需要知道的事,有关如何生活、该做什麽事以及如何生存的议题,我早在幼稚园学过了。
- Do I really hear someone come in, or be it only a fancy? 我是真听到有人进来还是仅仅是幻觉而已?
- I really wanted to slap her during the meeting. 在开会的时候我真想赏她一巴掌。
- I made a show of interest, but I really didn't care about what he was saying. 我假装感兴趣,但事实上我才不管他说些什么呢。
- I really hate to rush off like this. 我真的不喜欢这样匆匆离去。
- When he said I was a fool,I really burned. 听到他说我是个傻瓜,我真恼火了。
- He's the sort of person I really dislike. 他这种人我真不喜欢。
- I really can't say how this should be done. 我实在说不上,这事应怎么办。
- How am I going to get out of this jam? 我怎样才能摆脱困境呢?
- I really admire the fineness of his speech. 我很佩服他出色的演讲。
- I really am so sorry to bump into you. 撞着你了真是非常抱歉。
- I really must take issue with you there. 我觉得你的观点值得商榷。
- I think this's bravery like a poor fool thinks.If I really have nothing to pull by, why am I saying this? 我白痴的想这就是坚强。而假如我真的不输什么,我说这些做什么?
- In no way am I responsible for what has happened. 我决不对发生的事情负责。